Dan Hurst - Voice Talent

Voiceovers In English or Spanish for commercials, narrations, Radio/TV Promos



Voiceovers by Dan Hurst in English or Spanish for commercials, narrations, and e-learning.


So I thought I've got these random thoughts that pop into my head. Probably a result of that car accident as a kid.  Anyway...here you go:


1. Isotope’s RX 6 rocks!!! 


2. Voicing Podcasts for clients is a new VO trend.


3. Sometimes a project is worth more as a non-union job.


4. I love clients.  It’s the ones that don’t love me that drive me nuts.


5. Everybody needs a hero.  But everybody also needs to be a hero to someone.

6. Most people are probability thinkers. I choose to be a possibility thinker.


7. I’ve got way too many microphones. And preamps.


8. Which one of you clowns hired my neighbor’s lawn service???

9. I wish I had a dollar for every voice coach/trainer that said I could make thousands of dollars.  If I had taken their course, I’d have thousands of dollars!


10. Yes, Mr. Client, I got that copy at 11:58 am. And I can have that back to you today. But today may mean 8:30pm.